Saturday 13 July 2019

QAYG hexi on-the-go project

Quilt as You Go Hexis (Perfect "on-the-go" project!)

*Cut backing fabric with #55011 large hexi shape.
*Cut front and batting with medium shape from same die.
*Use washable glue to attach batting to wrong side of backing (I made a template for placement.)
*Set front fabric, right side up, on batting, completing quilt sandwhich.
*Fold raw edge to touch batting on first side.
*Fold again, and pin.
*Repeat all the way around. Sew the self edge binding down.

Thursday 11 July 2019

Qube - open the box !

Tip for those who have a Qube still in the wrapper...

Find some different colored scraps of fabric and cut out 8 or so pieces of each shape.

Take all those pieces and go set down and play with them, arranging in different ways: 4 patches, 9 patches, etc. 

You will be amazed by what you come up with. And you soon will be cutting out a quilt with them.


Tuesday 9 July 2019

Arkansas Traveler

AccuQuilt has a new die for their Go! fabric cutting system: Arkansas Traveler. The pieces are cut very accurately, and it goes together quick and easily.

Monday 8 July 2019

Designing Quilt Blocks

Playing with my Go! Fabric Cutting System. These two blocks, made with my 9" Qube dies, are going to work up into a great quilt!